tisdag 26 juni 2012

Progress on policy

Today I had the meeting with the Social Democrats in Mark. Today's topic was about the elderly, it was a useful meeting.
Before we parted, I talked to a person who worked as a teacher at Whisper Valley Folk High School. He told the meeting that the school would start up a welfare education and that may be of interest to those who do not have political office. This of course, I picked up when one of my long term goal is to start working politically.
When I talked to the teacher, it emerged that the course is part of a research project. I reported interest in participating in this research project.
In this course we will be divided into groups and talk about certain issues. The goal is then that we can work with these issues politically.
I feel that I can not turn down, must use every chance I get to personal development in politics. It will be interesting to see what the results leads to .......


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